Saturday, March 05, 2016

Biotech and Zika

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — In the expanding realm ruled by Randal J. Kirk, sliced apples don’t brown. Salmon grow twice as fast without swimming upriver to spawn. Beloved cats are reborn.
And male mosquitoes are unleashed with the sole mission to mate, pass on a gene that kills their offspring, and die.


Housing as an asset, is the sole responsibility of the proposed homeowner, with Government responsible, only to creating a conducive environment to facilitate its actualization. 
But HOUSING as human BASIC NEED is a social responsibility of Government that must be treated in a slightly different way, as the provision of Roads, Drainage, Health care, Educational Facilities, Security and the likes.
Social Housing is structured by the occupants NEED for Shelters regardless of their abilities to pay for such Shelters
Social Housing Policies and Programs must be designed as a PARTNERSHIP program between Government,Financial Institutions, and the Occupiers.
I'm so happy giving this houses free to my constituents in Sarangani Province from my own pocket more than thousand families are the beneficiaries. and i'm still building more because i always believe what the bible says; 1 Peter 4:8-10 NIV
[8] Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. [9] Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. [10] Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Thank you Lord for everything even some people are criticizing me but I'm still happy because you live in me. @johnnybantilan @davidsisson @jinkeepacquiao

Yours for $44M: Margaret Thatcher’s London home

The London home of one of Britain's best-known prime ministers is on the market for £30 million ($43.5 million).
Located in one of London's premier neighborhoods, No.73 Chester Square is a Grade II listed, meaning it is judged to be of "special interest" to the nation, six-bedroom town house with a library, media room, bar, 500-bottle wine cellar and gym.

The former prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, lived at the white stucco-fronted house from 1991 until her death of a stroke aged 87 in 2013. The original part of the house was built between 1820 and 1840 and is on sale through luxury estate agent, Savills.
"Such an eminent and rare property, in terms of location, renovation and history, no. 73 will have a truly widespread appeal to any buyer at this level of the market looking for an exceptional London home. If only the walls could talk, one could almost imagine Ronald Reagan and other heads of state sitting with Baroness Thatcher in her dining room," Richard Gutteridge, head of Savills Sloane Street office, said in a news release.
Thatcher was the first woman to lead a major western democracy and remains the only British female prime minister. She won three successive national elections and led the country for more than 11 years from 1979 to 1990, a record unmatched in the 20th century.
Several features installed by Thatcher remain, including a steel-lined, bombproof front door and original security glass in all the windows facing the main square.
Leconfield, a Belgravia construction company, purchased the property in 2013. It spent 18 months refurbishing the house, which now boasts a lift, a newly constructed mews house and a garage.
"We have strived to achieve the perfect balance between traditional and contemporary living by respecting the house's history and restoring many of the original features, while tastefully incorporating the latest in modern technology," George Brooksbank, managing director of Leconfield, said in the news release.


Friday, March 04, 2016


Housing is any form of shelter that provides adequate protection against danger, and weather conditions, as well as conveniences necessary for human comfort.
Housing is not a product but a process that correspondence with Household Growth and Size. It's a process with four stages of development; each stage fitting squarely with household development and growth. A clear understanding of this process would lead to the formulation of effective housing policies.
So far Housing has been treated as a product, to be bought and/or sold.