Wednesday, November 09, 2016

'Tombs Of Saints' Inspire And Divide In Northern Nigeria

Tomb of Usman dan Fodio, one of the most famous names in the nation's history, pictured in Sokoto state of northern Nigeria (AFP Photo/Pius Utomi Ekpei)
Sokoto (Nigeria) (AFP) - Pilgrims must walk through three rooms, a foyer and a 200-metre-long corridor before accessing the dimly-lit chamber where Usman dan Fodio and two of his sons are buried in Sokoto, northern Nigeria.

Old women sit against the plastered white mud walls begging for money. Inside the tomb, more than a dozen visitors sit with their palms cupped and lifted upwards in prayer, seeking dan Fodio's blessing.

Textile trader Sammani Yusuf is one of them. He drove more than 500 kilometres (300 miles) from the city of Kano to visit the graves and ask for his bed-ridden mother to get better and his business to pick up.

Afghan President Welcomed National Geographic’s iconic ‘Afghan Girl’.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, right, meets with National Geographic’s famed green-eyed “Afghan Girl” Sharbat Gulla at the Presidential palace in Kabul. (Rahmat Gul/Associated Press)
KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghanistan’s president on Wednesday welcomed home Sharbat Gulla, National Geographic’s famed green-eyed “Afghan Girl,” just hours after she was deported from Pakistan, the latest in the odyssey of the globally recognized refugee.

Gulla’s deportation came after a regional court in the Pakistani city of Peshawar convicted her on charges of carrying a forged Pakistani ID card and staying in the country illegally.

The case has drawn international attention and criticism of Pakistani authorities over their perceived harsh treatment of Gulla — and other Afghans who Islamabad says will be expelled as illegal immigrants.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Edward Snowden Kills Team Trump's New Conspiracy Theory ...

On Sunday, FBI Director James Comey declared for the second time that Hillary Clinton committed no crimes regarding her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State. Unsurprisingly, the reaction to this news was a highly partisan one, and perhaps Comey did work some damage to the Clinton campaign (as was the main criticism of his poorly timed public announcement). We can only speculate about that until Tuesday ends.
Speaking of speculation, a conspiracy theory immediately popped up on Twitter after Comey issued his letter. The bureau took about a week to comb through 650,000 messages amid all of the unsavory flotsam that surely resides on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. This was a lighting fast result, but was it too speedy?

Obama taunts Trump after aides reportedly take his Twitter account

President Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Kissimmee, Fla. (Photo: Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
President Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Kissimmee, Fla

President Obama mocked Donald Trump on Sunday after a new reportindicated that the Republican nominee’s aides had barred him from firing off his own Twitter posts.
“I can’t confirm it’s true. But apparently his campaign has taken away his Twitter. In the last two days, they had so little confidence in his self-control, they said, ‘We’re just going to take away his Twitter,’” Obama said while campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Kissimmee, Fla.

Obama continued: “Now, if somebody can’t handle a Twitter account, they can’t handle the nuclear codes. If somebody starts tweeting at 3 in the morning because ‘SNL’ made fun of you, then you can’t handle the nuclear codes.”

President Obama: Sorry, There's Only So Much That You Can Do!

"There's only so much these guys can do. These poor young men come by my house…."

President Barack Obama's daughters, Malia and Sasha, are 18 and 15 now, prime dating age. And guys actually do go out with them, Obama said. "That happened, you know?" he told a North Carolina radio station on Friday. "The truth is, I'm pretty relaxed about it for two reasons.

"One is [their mom] Michelle. She's taught—she's such a great example of how she carries herself, her self-esteem, not depending on boys to validate how you look or you know, not letting yourself be judged by anything other than your character and intelligence," he said. "And hopefully I've been a good example in terms of how I've shown respect to my wife. So I don't worry about it because they're really solid, smart girls—young ladies now."
Obama with the girls when they aren't on a coffee date.

And anyway, Obama has a fail-safe: "The other reason is because they've had Secret Service. There's only so much these guys can do. These poor young men come by my house and…."

"They have no idea—" the radio host remarked.
"No, they have an idea. I describe for them…." Obama then laughed. Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, a bunch of hopeful guys shivered.

FBI stands by decision not to charge Clinton after review of additional emails

FBI Director James Comey delivered his second shock to the presidential campaign Sunday by announcing that there would not be any charges involving the newly found ­e-mails tied to Hillary Clinton.
 In a letter sent to congressional leaders two days before Tuesday’s election, Comey said his agents had “been working around-the-clock to process and review [the] large volume of ­e-mails,” the discovery of which he revealed just nine days earlier
“During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state,” he wrote.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Mom Is Abruptly Kicked Off Of Her Flight. Little Does She Know It’s For Her Own Good

When the airline company Southwest learned something personal about one of the passengers on their flight, they stopped the plane and kicked her off. And it ended up being one of the most awesome things they could have done for her.
While Peggy Uhle was on the plane ready to take off from Chicago, Illinois to catch a connecting flight in Columbus, Ohio, the plane stopped on the tarmac and returned to the gate. The flight attendant approached Uhle and told her to get off the flight.

America Created ‘HIV/AIDS’ To Kill Black People – Thabo Mbeki

The HIV/AIDS epidemic was first reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) back in 1981.  Almost immediately, rumors began to spread like wildfire that the deadly virus was concocted to destroy the Black race.  But how could such a theory develop?
From the time HIV/AIDS hit the mainstream news, many Blacks believed that it was created in a laboratory and spread by the CIA with the goal of killing Blacks. However, round-the-way Black folk weren’t the only ones to believe in this conspiracy theory.

Case in point, post-apartheid South African President Thabo Mbeki once accused the U.S. government of manufacturing the disease in their military labs and world-renowned Kenyan ecologist, Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Wangari Maathai used her international spotlight to give credence to the conspiracy theory about the creation of HIV/AIDS.  After accepting her prestigious honor, the first African female Nobel laureate used her acceptance platform to state, that the deadly virus was created as a biological weapon by the west to wipe out Africans:

Eat 2 Bananas Per Day For A Month Non Stop, See What Happens To Your Body!

You might not have heard that banana is the number 1 consumed food in the United States, even more commonly consumed than oranges and apples combined.
Yet, every now and then, there is some new exotic fruit that is popularized as the newest health revolution, so we often underrate bananas.
However, you should remember that these fruits are extremely beneficial and offer various health benefits. Despite their delicious taste, bananas are rich in numerous nutrients, natural sugars, vitamins, and fibers.

The Chinese Yuan Becomes Official Currency In Zimbabwe

This is another milestone set by Beijing to be in the court of the great powers, those whose currency refers. As of January 1, the yuan (or remimbi) rub shoulders with the US dollar, South African rand and the Botswana pula in the pockets of the people of Zimbabwe.
It must be said that the situation in this country is special. He has no national currency since 2009. The failed land reform President-dictator Robert Mugabe has led to a severe economic crisis that the government tried to stop cranking printing money. Result: hyperinflation than 500,000,000,000% according to the IMF. In 2009, the face value of the last break of the Zimbabwean dollar circulated by the national bank of the country had reached a surreal level: 100.000 billion!

13-Year-Old Ugandan Student Builds Mom A House

For most 13-year-old’s, school, work, and play top off their day by day plans, however that is not the situation for Ugandan youngster Nicholas Luwuge. His fantasy of supporting his mom with the goal that she can appreciate a decent life has worked out on account of reasonable sparing propensities and a can-do mentality. In a meeting with the Monitor, Luwuge uncovered that he fabricated a two-room home for his mom with a shoestring spending plan of $1,174.

“My mom was living in a wooden house, yet I profited. In this way, I chose to build one for her. I utilized blocks, stones and bond. I was replicating the style utilized by the previous region administrator, Nalunga Bunjazm, whose house has a firm establishment,” he clarified.

She's 24, Just Finished Medical School, Has 4 Businesses, She's A Nigerian, She's Dr. Oluwo Adedunmola.

Dr. Oluwo Adedunmola
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Dr Adedunmola Oluwo, a 24 year old Nigerian lady from Abeokuta, Ogun State, went against all odds to achieve a feat most people would consider impossible…

The recently graduated medical Doctor, who attended University of Debrecen Hungary, challenged herself to start not one or two businesses while in Medical School but four unique businesses. Aside from owning these four businesses, she was the only one running it as a one-man team with no help whatsoever.

At the age of 17 when she moved to Hungary for her studies, she started her first business, Hair by Dedun, as a means to get extra cash for monthly stipends but ended up making more than enough from the business. As an inquisitive lady, she decided to try her hands on baking just for the fun of it and luckily for her, a friend tasted one of her delicious cakes and placed the first order.