Friday, May 06, 2016

$1bn To Revive Ajaokuta Steel

The Ukrainian Ambassador to Nigeria, Valeriy Aleksandruk, said his country is ready to invest $1bn into Ajaokuta Steel Company in order to revive the plant.

C’River develops policy on infection, prevention and control of diseases

 “We want to step up the Infection prevention and control process to ensure zero infections are acquired in the hospital.” Dr Inyang Asibong
It was all smiles on Thursday as the Cross River State Ministry of Health, in collaboration with stakeholders, completed the development of a State specific Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) policy and the State specific Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) policy. This was achieved after a two days stakeholder workshop in Calabar.

PIND/Cross Rivers State on Youth Development and Peace Building

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) signed a partnership agreement with the Cross River State Government on Saturday, April 30, to advance and facilitate sustainable development in Cross River State. PIND’s Executive Director, Mr. Sam Daibo and Programs Director, Dr. Dara Akala represented the organization, while Cross River was represented by the Chief Economic Adviser & Vice Chairman of the State Planning Commission, Dr. Francis Ntamu along with the Chairman of the State’s Strategic Policy Advisory Council, Dr. Pius Tawo during the agreement signing ceremony

Bakassi Deep Seaport: Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee Inaugurated

The Cross River State Government recorded a significant milestone with the inauguration of the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee of the proposed Bakassi Deep Seaport project by the Federal Ministry of Transportation. The Steering Committee will oversee all activities related to the construction of the port including the procurement of a transaction adviser, fund raising, feasibility studies, and investor relations. The Bakassi deep seaport is one of the signature projects of the Governor Ben Ayade led administration.

The Hunt For Osama bin Laden: CIA Chief He Was Poisoned

 The hunt for Osama bin Laden: For almost a decade, U.S. intelligence officials were stymied by Osama bin Laden. That is until CIA analysts at Langley changed their focus to the al-Qaeda leader's secret courier network. (The Washington Post) 

Two months after Osama bin Laden was killed, the CIA’s top operative in Pakistan was pulled out of the country in an abrupt move vaguely attributed to health concerns and his strained relationship with Islamabad.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Solving 'President-for-Life' Problem In Africa

The Democratic Republic of Congo erupted in protest in recent weeks after its President, Joseph Kabila, refused to rule out seeking an unconstitutional third term in office. Security forces cracked down on the protesters, and 40 people died in the ensuing violence.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

There Is No Time – There Never Was and There Never Will Be

Everything exists in the present moment and it’s a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as there are things that are near or far away in space. But the idea that time flows past you is just as absurd as the suggestion that space does.

The trouble with time started a century ago, when Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity demolished the idea of time as a universal constant. One consequence is that the past, present, and future are not absolutes. Einstein’s theories also opened a rift in physics because the rules of general relativity (which describe gravity and the large-scale structure of the cosmos) seem incompatible with those of quantum physics (which govern the realm of the tiny).

For World Peace: 1 Million Children In Thailand Are Crying Out To God

5000 schools together. 1 million ‪‎children meditating for world ‪‎peace at the Phra Shammakaya Temple of ‪‎Thailand. 
Meditation only works for the individual with inner peace, not for greedy and corrupt people; they have no heart and no soul, nothing is going to happen but war from them.

Proof Of Heaven: Harvard Neurosurgeon Confirms

Do we have a soul? Is there life after death? The afterlife is something that has been experienced by countless people since recorded history who have returned to tell their tales, with the most noteworthy account experienced first-hand by Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years, Dr. Eben Alexander. This is not just another afterlife account that can be written off as a hallucination. Before we look at exactly how his experience of the afterlife defies all scientific explanation, lets explore his account a little bit.

Before his experience, he did not believe existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, he thought that the idea of a soul was outlandish. Like most “skeptics”, he believed stories of the afterlife to be hallucinations or products of the human imagination.

These Are Actually Geniuses

As it turns out, talking to yourself, is not only sane but it is also a sign of being genius.

Some of the smartest people on earth talk to themselves. Here is just one example. 
Albert Einstein talked to himself. – reports that he “used to repeat his sentences to himself softly.

Talking to oneself is often associated with mental illness, especially schizophrenia, but it can also be a very positive and healthy behavior. In an article from Elite Daily, the author, Gigi Engle, discusses about how talking to yourself is a sign of genius. 
She says, “The smartest people on earth talk to themselves. Look at the inner monologues of the greatest thinkers. Look at poetry! Look at history!”

This Recipe Will Easily Clear Your Lungs In 3 Days, Even If You Smoke More Than 5 Years

Smoking kills. It’s the second most preventable killer. Nowadays it’s even written on the pack! 
Health officials have known that more than 1 billion people around the world smoke and 5 million people die each year from tobacco-related illness, according to the World Health Organization. That’s about one person dying every six seconds. 
But, not only smokers have lung problems.
One thing is for sure, though; smoker’s lungs are a lot more damaged than the non-smokers’. The best advice for you is to quit smoking, but if you find it difficult to do so, you can, at least, prevent bigger damage. We are presenting you the ultimate natural recipe that will clean your lungs in just 3 days!

Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines

So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL had found out via their research that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being added to the population via immunizations. Nagalase STOPS vitamin D from binding to the Gc protein. This completely strips a human being’s body of it’s natural ability to kill cancer cells.

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered!

The recent cases of a number of holistic doctors who were killed/ “found dead” in Florida.. all had one thing in common. They had discovered that a cancer causing enzyme protein called Nagalese is being added to the vaccines administered to humans and its being done globally.
Nagalese is an enzyme that prevents vitamin D from being produced which stops the body from the ability to naturally kill off the cancer cells.

Amazing Tree Cutting Machine Compilation

Monday, May 02, 2016

N25,000 Minimum Wage For Edo State Workers

Gov. Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State on Sunday announced the increment of the National Minimum Wage from N18,000 to N25, 000 with immediate effect, for employees in the State Public Service.

Vacant Properties Shoot 65% In 15 Months-Report

In the last 15 months, vacant properties have increased by 65 per cent in Lekki, Ikoyi and Victoria Island neighborhood of Lagos.

FCT Minister Inaugurates Land Appeals, Petitions Committee

Worried by the spate of petitions and appeals over land in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), the Minister, Malam Muhammad Musa Bello, has inaugurated a 10-member Land Appeals and Petitions Committee to aid quick dispensation of justice on land issues in the territory.

Sokoto NLC Promised 3,050 Houses For Civil Servants

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in Sokoto State says it will build 3,050 housing units for civil servants in the State. The State Chairman of the NLC, Mr Aminu Umar, disclosed this in Sokoto on Sunday at the 2016 May Day Celebrations. Umar, who was represented by his Deputy, Mr Abubakar Malami, said that the houses will be built in partnership with some private estate developers.

First Online Search Engine For Functional Genomics Data

Screenshot from GeNemo, the first online search engine for functional genomics data. GeNemo is free for public use at: Credit: Sheng Zhong / UC San Diego bioengineering

University of California San Diego bioengineers have created what they believe to be the first online search engine for functional genomics data. This work from the Sheng Zhong bioengineering lab at UC San Diego was just published online by the journal Nucleic Acids Research. This new search engine, called GeNemo, is free for public use at:

Neuroscientists & Evidence For 'Visual Stereotyping'

Credit: public domain
The stereotypes we hold can influence our brain's visual system, prompting us to see others' faces in ways that conform to these stereotypes, neuroscientists at New York University have found.

Fertility Control

Individual small RNAs are responsible for controlling the expression of gonadoliberin or GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone), a neurohormone that controls sexual maturation, the appearance of puberty, and fertility in adults. This has just been demonstrated by the "Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain" team led by Vincent Prévot, Inserm Research Director (Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Centre, Lille). The involvement of microRNAs, transcribed from DNA, occurs around birth, and marks a key step in postnatal development. Failure of these microRNAs to act leads to the disruption or even total cessation of GnRH production by the hypothalamic neurons that synthesise it, and hence to infertility. In the most serious cases, sterility may result. Details of this work in mice are published in the 2 May 2016 issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience.

Groundwater And Rise In Sea Level

Credit: Tiago Fioreze / Wikipedia
Groundwater extraction and other land water contribute about three times less to sea level rise than previous estimates, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study does not change the overall picture of future sea level rise, but provides a much more accurate understanding of the interactions between water on land, in the atmosphere, and the oceans, which could help to improve future models of sea level rise.

Molecular Mechanism For Specific Antibody Responses

Follicular helper T cells (Tfh cells, shown in blue) play a crucial role in the maturation of antibody-producing B cells (shown in green). Activated B cells give rise germinal centers (shown in red), where mature B cells proliferate and produce highly specific antibodies against pathogens. Top left: normal germinal center in a mouse tonsil. All others: Germinal centers fail to form when the interaction between ICOS and TBK1 is interrupted. Credit: Dr. Kok-Fai Kong at La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology and Nature Immunology

Follicular helper T cells (Tfh cells), a rare type of T cells, are indispensable for the maturation of antibody-producing B cells. They promote the proliferation of B cells that produce highly selective antibodies against invading pathogens while weeding out those that generate potentially harmful ones. In their latest study, researchers at La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology identified a key signal that drives the commitment of immature Tfh cells into fully functional Tfh cells and thus driving the step-by-step process that results in a precisely tailored and effective immune response.