Friday, June 24, 2016

Oil Prices Dive As Britain Votes To Leave EU

Vote leave supporters stand outside Downing Street after Britain voted to leave the EU. REUTERS/Kevin Coombs
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices slumped by more than 6 percent on Friday after Britain voted to leave the European Union, raising fears of a broader economic slowdown that could reduce demand.

Financial markets have been worried for months about what Brexit, or a British exit from the European Union, would mean for Europe's future, but were clearly not fully factoring in the risk of a leave vote.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Black Female Physicist Leading Cancer Treatment Breakthrough

When most people think of a physicist, they think of Albert Einstein, not a beautiful young Black woman. But Hadiyah-Nicole Green is about to change that–and, in fact, she wants to.

Democrats Sit-in Demanding Gun Control

Democrats want a vote on gun control legislation before lawmakers' week-long break
(WASHINGTON) — A drained and dwindling group of Democrats, some draped in blankets and toting pillows, carried their remarkable House floor sit-in past daybreak Thursday, disrupting the business of Congress in the wake of the Orlando shooting rampage with demands for gun-control votes in an extraordinary scene of protest broadcast live to the world.

Nigeria’s Naira: Floating Or Sinking?

On Monday afternoon, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) ended the Nigerian Naira’s sixteen-month peg to the U.S. Dollar, sending the Naira into a free-fall. The currency had been pegged at 197 Naira per Dollar, but as the chart below shows, it had been trading at over 320 Naira per Dollar for months on the black market (read: free market) and currently sits at 345 Naira per dollar. At the time of writing, the Naira was officially trading at 282.50 Naira per dollar.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Watch The USNS Big Horn Refuel Two Ships At Once

The USNS Big Horn Henry J. Kaiser-class fleet replenishment oiler with room to tote some 180,000 barrels or jet fuel or oil. But she doesn't just carry it around for fun; the idea is to use this fuel to help resupply ships that are already underway, and this recent video from the U.S. Navy shows just how that process works, and with two ships at once, no less.

The Roman Empire's Secret Weapon

A team of archaeologists, bolstered by a helpful fisherman, have discovered a previously unknown psychological tactic employed by the Roman army: whistling slingshot bullets.

A Vietnamese Jet Went Missing....

A Vietnamese Coast Guard plane has disappeared from radar while part of a search operation for a downed military jet.​

On Tuesday, a Vietnamese fighter jet went missing near the South China Sea coastline. Yesterday, a coast guard plane with nine passengers that was part of the search party has also gone missing in the same area.

Washington To Peijing: I'm Watching You As Two U.S Aircraft Carriers Move to the Philippines.

The U.S. Navy has moved two carrier battle groups into the Philippine Sea to conduct exercises, the first two-carrier exercise in the region in two years. The move comes just before a UN court ruling expected to be against China and its claims in the South China Sea.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Side Job Earns $23,000 A Month

(Joel Young and his family reside an hour east of Cincinnati, Ohio.Courtesy of Joel Young)
When former musician Joel Young needed a voice-over for a video project at church in 2013, he hired a professional.