Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Conjoined Twins, Abby and Brittany Hensel Today!

Abby brittany hero
TLC has never had a shortage when it comes to introducing the world to interesting people with interesting stories — but there are few people who have captivated an audience like twins Abby and Brittany Hensel!

Wikileaks On Russia Mass Surveillance Apparatus

Wikileaks releases documents it claims detail Russia mass surveillance apparatus
Wikileaks has released a new cache of documents which it claims detail surveillance apparatus used by the Russian state to spy on Internet and mobile users. It's the first time the organization has leaked (what it claims is) material directly pertaining to the Russian state.
As ever, nothing is straightforward when it comes to Wikileaks. And founder Julian Assange continues to face charges that his 'radical transparency' organization is a front for Kremlin agents (charges that stepped up after Wikileaks released a massive trove of hacked emails from the DNC last year at a key moment in the U.S. presidential election).