Friday, April 07, 2017

A Hero Dog Stopped Boko Haram Suicide Bomber At A Wedding, With Its Own Life

A dog is being hailed as a hero after stopping a suicide bomber from killing wedding guests.
The guests were in the Nigerian village of Belbelo, near the north-eastern city of Maiduguri, when the teenage bomber tried to detonate her explosives.
Police spokesman Victor Isuku said the bomber, believed to be from Boko Haram, had been making her way into the wedding party on Sunday morning when the dog attacked her.

This Man Is Suing Dunkin' Donuts For A Very Concerning Reason

Jan Polanik, a Dunkin' Donuts customer based in Worcester, MA, went to a local shop and asked for a bagel with butter. It turned out he was given a butter substitute - and so he sued. And locals might get free food because of him.
The The New York Times reports that Polanik sued 23 Dunkin' Donuts franchises in Massachusetts, because he paid 25 cents for butter and nobody told him he was getting a substitute. He has reportedly settled with Dunkin' Donuts, though the paperwork has yet to be approved, and the settlement is pretty great if you live in his area.
If the deal goes through, as many as 1,400 people can get up to three buttered muffins, bagels, or baked goods - with the real stuff, no substitute. Those people have to go to the 23 specific Dunkin' Donuts locations in Grafton, Leominster, Lowell, Millbury, Shrewsbury, Westborough, and Worcester. And all those stores will be required to use only butter for a year, and after that, they have to disclose whether they're using a substitute.

A New Dawn In The Gambia Political Landscape

President Adama Barrow
The party of Gambia's new president won a majority of seats in parliament after two decades of domination by the party of former leader Yahya Jammeh, the Independent Electoral Commission announced Friday.
President Adama Barrow's United Democratic Party won 31 seats in the 53-seat National Assembly. The results mean Barrow can move ahead with promised transitions toward greater freedoms.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Electricity From Lightening-- “24 Hours Electricity Guaranteed”

A Nigerian engineer, Obayagbona Emmanuel Imafidon, has revealed that he has invented a power-generating device that can solve the problem power outage in the country.

In an interview with Guardian, the graduate of Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Management and Technology in Enugu said he could generate power from thunder lightning and that he has been working on it since 2006. He said: “I have been researching on generating constant power from thunder lightning.

That is using a strike of thunder lightning to generate power that can serve Nigeria and Africa for five years and 30 days. That means that whenever thunder strike for once, we are sure of uninterrupted power for five years and thirty days.
“One may think it is not possible and if it is possible why the western world has not converted lightning to electricity, but what I have developed so far is a prototype. There are five chambers including the trapping zone which is made of lightning arrestor. There is the storage zone and the conversion zone, which convert static energy into current electricity and transmit the energy into transmission zone.