Friday, October 14, 2016

IT HAPPENED TO ME: At 14, My Parents Paired Me With A 26-Year-Old Man

Laying brick to build a boys dormitory at a Christian camp when I was in my early teens. My parents were just getting to know James at this time
Even though I wanted nothing to do with him, my parents demanded he still be a part of our lives.
In tattered jeans and a Bible study T-shirt, I arrived home to a beautiful three-story house nestled in a gated community of the no-man’s-land of Pasco County, Florida. I had just spent two months in Bethlehem, where I sweated out my summer days shoveling gravel to pave a parking lot for a Bible college. I was 14 years old, cute, chubby, and still figuring out how eyeliner was meant to be applied.

You May Need "Months With A Colostomy Bag"

Student teacher needed emergency surgery after getting seven inch SEX TOY lodged up her bum 
Mum-of-one tried to use a fork handle and BBQ prongs to remove it but to no avail
A STUDENT teacher who got a SEVEN INCH s*x toy lodged up her BUM was forced to have it surgically removed after using BBQ prongs failed.

IT HAPPENED TO ME: A Mother's Hard Chioce To Live For A Little Foursome Family

"I am pretty sure you have an ectopic pregnancy,” the doctor said to me after the empty ultrasound.
“I need your expert opinion on something,” I said a bit hysterically to my mother over FaceTime.

“Uh... OK,” she replied, unsure how to react to my desperate mood. She had just picked up the phone on the second ring and I hadn’t even bother to say hello.
“Does this look like two pink lines to you?”
“Sure does,” she laughed.