Monday, July 04, 2016

$160,000 For Job Seekers?

One town in New Zealand is suffering from a problem other places around the world would love to have: Too many jobs with too few workers. For anyone looking to apply, just don't expect them to foot the bill for the move.

Kaitangata—a New Zealand town with a population of only 800—has hundreds of vacant job positions in its agriculture sector, and it's dying to fill them. In a further embarrassment of riches, the town has an ample stock of affordable housing to go along with its full employment.
However, the town on Saturday denied a spate of reports suggesting Kaitangata would offer sizable incentive packages to fill open jobs. The San Francisco Gate reported that Mayor Bryan Cadogan and the town's professionals collaborated to come up with a package worth NZ$ (Exchange: NZD=)230,000 (more than $160,000) for job seekers to relocate.
"There is currently a story that has been published by overseas media that we are paying people $160,000 to move to Kaitangata and people should ring the Mayor about it. This is NOT TRUE," a statement on the town's website read.
As one might expect in a global economy suffering from stagnant middle class wages, the mayor's office was deluged with calls from around the globe responding to the initial reports of a fat check awaiting those who wished to relocate.
No such luck, as it turns out.
"People are not being paid to move to Kaitangata and you should not contact the Mayor about it," the statement on Saturday read.
Still, the mayor touted the town's relatively cheap housing. He also suggested interested applicants comply with New Zealand's applicable immigration laws, and check in with the town's economic agency for job openings.
"If you do meet the (immigration) criteria and you'd like to know more about the affordable House and Land packages ON SALE in Kaitangata, you need to visit" the city's website to check out the openings, the statement added.

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