Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mass Housing,The Wayout

It is no longer news that Nigeria has about 17 million housing deficit and that 68 million of its citizens are living in indecent houses. In the face of this lack, the current government is working to ensure that Nigerians are properly housed.

This has also become an headache for stakeholders in the housing sector since President Muhammadu Buhari announced the initiative during the opening session of the National Economic Council Retreat on the economy in Abuja.

Buhari had said that the Federal Government would build 250,000 units, 22 states governed by the All Progressives Congress (APC) would build 250,000 units, while 500,000 housing units would be built by the private sector.

This arrangement, according to him, is to enable his party meet with its election promise of providing one million houses per year for Nigerians. The president said he had invited foreign investors and local construction companies to assist the country in covering her housing deficit.

He said: “Some estimates put Nigeria’s housing deficit at about 16 million units. In our successful campaign to win the general election last year, our party, the APC, promised to build a million housing units a year.
“This will turnout to be a very tall order unless the Federal Government builds 250,000 units; 22 APC states together manage another 250,000 units. We invite foreign investors together with local domiciled big construction companies to enter into commercial housing building to pick up the rest”.

Experts’ view
Following President Buhari’s declaration, housing experts have analyzed the issue and the modality that should be put in place to drive the goal. They are also conscious of the fact that successive governments in the past had promised affordable housing to citizens without marching their words with action.

Speaking with New Telegraph, some of the experts canvassed robust funding, modern construction method to fast-track the process and an enabling environment to attract private investors. A former Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development in Lagos State, Mr. Toyin Ayinde, a town planner, said there was need for the government to pump money into construction to revamp the economy, which has been at its low ebb since the beginning of the year.

He said that since the Federal Government plans to release about N350 billion into the economy, it should give the whole money to the construction industry to generate employment and affect the economy positively. Ayinde said: “Construction industry is one of the largest employers of labour. It brings vibrancy to the economy.You can imagine what will happen when building a 10-floor project, architects, engineers, builders, bricklayers, iron benders, tilers, painters, carpenters and other labourers including food, pure water and recharge card vendors will be involved. There will be a lot of jobs for people.”

On the one million houses per year agenda, Ayinde said that there were salient posers that ought to have been provided answers to as regards the availability of land, house design, construction method and availability of mortgage.

He said: “Where is the land? What type of design are we looking at? Is government doing these houses across each state equally? Is it considering the advantage of vertical expansion and the infrastructure required?” Ayinde noted that with the current construction technology for housing in the country, the government might not be able to meet the planned one million accommodation units per annum.

On the way out, the former commissioner suggested the need to consider a modern construction method that is fast and can give room for vertical building.

According to him, building one million houses in a year will require huge investment and creation of an enabling environment on the part of government.

He said: “It is when we improve the technology that we can improve housing supply. It is important for engineers and builders to look for modern technology to fast-track construction. “Standardisation of house design will also help to achieve mass production,” he advised.

Also, a former President, Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) and Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria (APBN), Mr. Bunmi Ajayi, said Nigeria would make progress if the government pumps money into housing to create jobs for the people. He said: “Buhari has to put a lot of money into construction, especially real estate in order to inflate the economy”.

On private sector motivation to realize the dream, Ajayi urged the government to create an enabling environment for investors to bring in money, pointing out that housing construction requires huge investment.

He said that the creation of conducive environment will go a long way to attract private investors to partner the government in the construction of 500,000 housing units as scheduled. Besides, he advised that the issue of Land Use Act be looked into by finding a way around it to encourage home ownership among Nigerians.

“As regards the Consent Clause in the Act, government must summon courage to remove it,” he said. Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, Lagos Chapter, Mr. Samuel Offiong Ukpong, said: “If real estate sector is vibrant, 80 per cent of unemployment will be solved”.
He, therefore, tasked the government, being the biggest spender, to invest in housing heavily and carry along the private sector in its implementation.

As part of the challenges, President Buhari had identified high rents, unaffordable prices for prospective buyers, especially middle and low-income earners, red tape, corruption and plain public service inefficiency as delays in obtaining ownership of title documents.
“These hurdles are by no means easy to scale, but we must find solutions to the housing deficit. This retreat might start by looking at the laws,” he said.

Most developed countries in the world are those nations that their citizens are well- housed. President Buhari must, this time around, march words with action by considering many alternatives for mass production of houses for the citizens.

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