Monday, April 10, 2017

A 14-Pound Baby Delivered Without Epidural

Natashia Corrigan of Melbourne, Australia, broke records by giving birth to a son weighing in at twice the national average.
Fourteen-pound Brian Jr. was born in January at Mercy Hospital in Victoria. “I’ve always wanted a little fat baby and I’ve got a big one!” Corrigan told 7News after the delivery.
Almost more astounding than the baby’s size is the fact his mother delivered him without an epidural. “I think I was in a bit of shock because the birth was natural,” said Corrigan, “I only had gas so I was still in a bit of shock just from that.”

Corrigan was only given laughing gas — a 50/50 mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. “Because he was so big it was a bit hard to get him out,” said Corrigan, “and they had to get a few extra staff members to come in and help.” She credits the hospital staff and breathing techniques with the successful delivery.
The response from the media as well as friends and family were overwhelming, says Corrigan on her Facebook page. “I truly don’t know what to say! Brian & I are overwhelmed with all of the visits, calls, messages, posts, comments and tags of well wishes from literally everyone!” she writes.
Brian Jr. is her third child, and both mother and son are in good health.

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