Tuesday, April 26, 2016

FHA & Turkish Firms For Housing Delivery

Towards increasing the nation’s housing stocks, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) has announced plans to partner with Turkish companies to facilitate the realization of the Federal Government’s housing development target.

The FHA’s Managing Director, Prof. Mohammed Al-Amin, on a visit to the Turkish Embassy in Abuja said he was there as a follow-up to the recent visit to President Muhammadu Buhari by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

He noted that that housing featured prominently in the discussion between the two Presidents on areas of possible economic cooperation between the two nations during the visit.

The FHA boss said the Federal Government proposed to build one million housing units yearly as a way of combating Nigerian’s estimated 17 million housing deficit.
According to the plan, he said it was envisaged that  Federal and State governments would build 250, 000 housing units each while the balance of 500, 000 would be taken up by domestic and foreign investors.

He said the Federal Government had matched its words with action by passing a budget of N44 billion to take care of its own commitment, which would consist solely of social housing units.

Praising the friendly relations between Nigeria and Turkey, Al-Amin noted that Turkish housing products were of high quality and enjoined the Commercial Counselor, Dr Ahmed Zafer Gulsen who received him, to encourage companies from his home country to come and partner with the FHA through: mass production of building materials, contribution of construction finance and technical expertise and housing construction.

The FHA chief executive paid glowing tributes to Turkey’s rich history and noted that the country occupied a strategic geographical position at the intersection of Asia and Europe, and praised the friendly relations between Nigeria and Turkey.

Responding, Dr Gulsen said he would do his best to facilitate the coming of Turkish companies to take up the opportunities offered by the FHA.
He promised to forward the request to his home Ministry of Economy, which he said would seek out the appropriate Turkish companies to partner with the authority.


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